Suburban Albany

1 Park Place

This four-story building is well located in the Wolf Road submarket of Albany. Immediately adjacent to both I-90 and I-87, Wolf Road offers easy access to residential and retail concentrations. The excellent exposure to roadways and efficient 25,000 square-foot floor plates make the property ideal for high-profile tenants.

Property Details

Town of Colonie, Albany County, NY

Available Space  *certain spaces can be subdivided

  • 2nd Floor: 19,838 sq. ft. available
  • 4th Floor: 4,749 sq. ft. available
Broker, Tim McGuire
Total Building Square Footage
100,000 sf
HVAC System

Multi-zone heat pump system


Multi fiber optic providers


Ample parking and vehicle charging stations

Special Features

2 passenger, 1 freight
Fire Protection Service
Full sprinkler/fire alarm system with monitoring

Card access system for after-hours building access

Loading Dock
1 bay loading dock
HVAC Controls

Computerized controlled Energy Management System

1 Park Place
1 Park Place